Opinion: If Bucs’ Antonio Brown wants to repair his legacy, he must understand he brought problems on himself

To hear Antonio Brown talk, as the 32-year-old Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver’s quest for redemption has brought him to the doorstep of the NFL pinnacle, it’s clear some things have changed within. 

The two years of tumult that tainted his name and put his career and childhood dream at risk seemingly have humbled the man formerly known as the most dangerous wideout in the game. But at the same time, the journey that saw Brown go from disgruntled star Steeler, to sideshow freak Raider, to cameo-appearance Patriot, to NFL exile and back to the field as a Buccaneer supporting cast member also seems to have emboldened him.

As he faced the media for the first time during Super Bowl week on Wednesday, Brown fluctuated in his tones. You could sense twinges of regret and an inclination to accept responsibility for his misdeeds. But other times still, Brown spoke with a degree of defiance, as a man that views himself as at least a partial victim, and has now prevailed over his adversaries.

Fitting for an individual as complex as Brown.

It’s impossible to know the depths of the change, or how long-lasting an impact the events of the recent months and years have had on Brown. 

But it’s clear, he’s using all of those internal feelings – whether shame, contrition, frustration, anger or incredulity – as fuel. 

He wants to win on Sunday, both as a repayment to the Buccaneers, whom he described as his “only” chance to resurrect his career, and as a way to repair his legacy as a player.

For now, nothing else matters to Brown. 

But after the episodes of volatile behavior, accusations of abuse and sexual misconduct, which are all far more troubling than any of Brown’s football-related antics, one can only hope that he has just as strong a desire to reshape his personal legacy.

Brown couldn’t have come off as more thankful for his place in life on Wednesday. Eight times he used some form of “appreciative” or “grateful” to express his feelings toward Bucs brass for giving him a shot after the NFL reinstated him following an eight-game suspension for multiple violations of the personal conduct policy; toward NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and his staff for even lifting the ban; and his new teammates.

“These guys really embraced me …  They took me in, and it’s been a tremendous honor to be here and play with some great guys in the locker room,” Brown said. “The coaching staff has embraced me and welcomed me with open arms and I really appreciate the opportunity and pay these guys back with my work ethic, my production, leadership as far as helping the young guys and everybody here.”

Of Goodell, who this time last year –  with Browns’ career in jeopardy –  expressed hope that the player would get the adequate help to get his life back on track, Brown said, “I think (he and his staff) did a good job with the process of helping me and getting me to this point. I’m super grateful about the opportunity to restart my career here and do what I continue to love and continue to fulfill my dream as a kid.”

Brown at times seemed introspective, offering his younger self advice on how to better navigate life as an NFL star.

“I’d tell myself,” Brown reflected, “‘Rookie Antonio, just be humble, no matter what phase you get in the NFL. Be humble. It’s not about the destination but the journey. Be serious about the company. Have the right company around you. Don’t take nothing for granted. This game can be taken away from you at any moment, and maximize your opportunities because you never know when you’ll get another opportunity.’”

And explaining the self-improvement lessons he focused on during his suspension, Brown offered, “Well, it’s all about controlling your emotions, physically, mentally. When you don’t feel good. Not being a sling-shot when others come at me. Learning how to control my attitude and not letting my emotions get the best of me, and if I feel like someone is wrong for doing what they did, being forgiving and staying positive.”

Brown describes the mission of his journey back to the NFL and the Super Bowl as two-fold. 

He maintained his goal both for his perceived antagonists, and for himself.

“I just think it was my only chance to prove, not only to the doubters, but prove to myself I’m still a high-end football player,” he said. “Still love the game. Still love to compete, and I had to prove it to myself. I never gave up or gave in. I stayed consistent to my goals and my vision and here I am now, and I’m grateful.”

Everyone finds motivation in different forms and from different sources. But in truth, doubters or enemies should be the furthest thing from Brown’s mind. He alone burned his bridges in Pittsburgh. He burned additional, and newly formed, bridges in Oakland. His publicized threatening text messages to the woman that accused him of sexual misconduct which were what led to his release in New England. And his video-captured profanity-laced tirades directed at the mother of his children only further put him in a negative light.

If Brown can’t understand that, then the transformation that paved the way for his return to the NFL will be short-lived. All of this likely is just a temporary fix if he’s still reserving a corner of his mind to place blame on others.

Another incident that proves undesirable, frustrating or infuriating very well could result in another costly eruption. 

The Buccaneers say Brown has been the model team member since they brought him aboard to help address depth issues at the wide receiver position midway through the season.

“I talked to Antonio and he was all-in,” coach Bruce Arians said. “He’s been nothing but great ever since he’s been here. Been fantastic, wants to work his tail off. Wants to win, there’s nothing on his mind other than winning and he’s been a joy to coach.”

Quarterback Tom Brady, who was influential in the Bucs giving Brown his shot, said Brown has “made incredible strides over the last year to get from where he was at to where he is now.”

Part of why we love sports is because of the redemption stories that they offer. A team or player experiences awful performance, a trying episode or misstep in life, and rises victorious. They inspire not only in the sports world, but in everyday life.

So, Antonio Brown certainly is deserving of his shot at redemption. At times on Wednesday, you could sense his fatigue as much as you could his determination. 

“It’s been a long journey, man,” he said. “Over the course of a year and a half of scrutiny, adversity, you name it, I’ve been through it. But it didn’t stop me, didn’t make me want to give up. Just made me be consistent, came up with a plan, wrote out my goals and set my intention on what I wanted in my life and took a step back and kind of refocused, put out a plan and prayed on it and went out and did it. Just grateful to be in this moment but know it’s still a long way to go.”

Hopefully his admission of having a long way to go means that Brown remains as just as tirelessly committed to growth and healing as a person.

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